Resume Formats For Freshers: What Must to Include in the Contact Info Section

resume formats for freshers
Resume Formats For Freshers

Resume Formats For Freshers: What Must to Include in the Contact Info Section

In the Previous Section, We have seen How to Choose the Right Resume Format For A Fresher, If you haven’t read yet then kindly check it out here, Today you will get an idea of Resume Formats For Freshers Meanwhile What Must Include in the Contact Info Section

a) What Must Include in the Contact Info Section

  • Name First name, last name (middle name optional).
  • Phone Number: Personal cell phone preferred over the home phone number.
  • Email Address: Today’s preferred means of communication.

b) Optional Information

  • Title:  Your professional title. It can be your position, word-for-word, or your desired job. Think “Ethical Hacker” or “Junior Data Scientist.”
  • LinkedIn URL: If you have an up-to-date profile that can add value to your application, make sure to include the link.
  • Social Media: Do you have a published portfolio online? For developers, this would be your GitHub, for a designer Behance or Dribble, and for a writer, it could be your personal blog.
  • Website / Blog: Do you have an online presence? Maybe a blog that positions you as an expert in your field? If you do, make sure to mention it!

c) What NOT to Include in the Contact Info Section

  • Date of Birth: The HR manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not important for their decision-making, and at worst, it might lead to discrimination based on age, so let be.
  • Unprofessional Email Address: Do: [email protected]
  • Don’t: [email protected], [email protected]

Here are some bonus tips for Resume Formats For Freshers

1. Tips for Resume: professional email address

Give them a professional email address, not your old high school handle (rocky@something….) or an outdated email provider (…[email protected]). Studies have proven that a formal email address is much more hireable than an informal one.

Use generic and professional

[email protected]

2. Tips for Resume: Must include “resume” word while saving the document

 When emailing your resume, check the job description to see if they ask applicants to send emails with something specific in the subject line of the email. If not, go with the position title, posting any job reference number, if required, your name, and include the word “resume.”



3. Tips for Resume: Don’t lie in your resume

As a given, you should never lie about your language skills. You never know, your interviewer might turn out to be fluent in the language, or even be a native speaker!

This only is not applicable to the language but also other things including the course, which you have not done but listed in your resume.

4. Tips for Resume: Don’t make it messy

Hiring managers don’t spend a lot of time reading each resume, they spend only 6 seconds per resume.

Include only the most relevant information and put the most important information first.

If your resume includes old or irrelevant information, such as jobs held over 10 years ago or minor degrees and achievements, it may distract from key information.

5. Tips for Resume: Set your font size to 10-12 points.

While choosing a font is important, making sure that it is the right size is paramount.

Keep your resume font size between 10-12 points so that a hiring manager can easily read it without squinting.

6. Tips for Resume: Keep online presence well maintained

Keep in mind you have mentioned your social medial in resume before a recruiter or hiring manager gets the chance to look you and your employment history up, you better have your online presence sanitized!

That means removing any offensive posts, dirty memes, any controversial issue, or at least marking them private.

7. Tips for Resume: Make use of a professional font

You should use basic but a professional font like Arial or Times New Roman, which are easy to read. Avoid fancy fonts.

8. Tips for Resume: Current contact information.

In any resume try to give valid and permanent contact information, in case the recruiter might want to contact you. Also, exclude information like your birth date or marital status. see our great guide on #resume contact information for a job application.

9. Tips for Resume: Match your cover letter to your resume.

The data in a resume and in a cover letter is mandatory to be the same, it is quite descriptive than a resume.

If you are not able to write an effective cover letter-see our great guide on how to write the perfect cover letter for a job application, Check out here

10. Tips for Resume: Include a resume summary or objective.

This the main part it describes who you are, where you’re going, and why you’ll bring value to the company.

When considering how to write a resume summary or how to write a resume objective, keep in mind that the old school way is dead.

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