Why You’re Not Getting Response From Recruiter? Tips For Interview Call

Tips For Interview
Tips For Interview

Why You’re Not Getting Response From Recruiter? Tips For Interview Call

The problem of not hired is been increased day by day. Most of the people might be wondering I have not done any mistake,so why I’m not getting hired. Following are some reasons that will explain you about this problems with some tips for interview call.

1. Financial Crisis

A financial crisis is any of a broad variety of situations in which some financial assets suddenly lose a large part of their nominal value.  A financial crisis is often associated with a panic or a bank run during which investors sell off assets or withdraw money from savings accounts because they fear that the value of those assets will drop if they remain in a financial institution

Due to which they only hire a skillful candidate, which is able to do the work of multiple employees. So if they are getting 1 employee who is able to task of 10 employees then, why will they hire 10 employees for 10 task.

2. Automated Software For Resume Screening

Due to the abundance amount of Job Application i.e Resume in the company, it’s very difficult to sort applications manually, to overcome this most of the high-end company uses Automated Software to sort these Resume. Job hunters should know that nearly 40 percent of employers use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to screen candidates for their job openings. Applicant tracking systems don’t “track” where you are in the recruitment process. They’re aimed at saving employers time by dividing strong candidates from the weak.

So how to tackle this problem, Automated Software searches keywords for e.g such as, you are applying for post of Software Developer then it searched keywords like C++, Java, Python. So you can refer here to take an idea about how to write a proper resume.

3. Bad Format for Resume

Bad Format leads to bad impression of yours. As like above Small company overview the Resume manually. The Correct resume format gives the over information yours. The resume must have enough potential to get selected. Refer the link for Proper Format of Resume, Click here also here you can get tips for interview

4. Lack of Technical Skills

This is one of the main reason for today’s unemployment. Many of the people don’t pay attention towards their technical skills. While going to interview they do not practice well and some of them went void, this may be due to lack of resources or inappropriate guidance.

Here’s the solution, you can refer Interview Questions, Here you will find most asked and top interview question with their proper solution.The interesting fact is that you can prepare on the go. also here you can get tips for interview

So Overall looking for the solution, https://jobs.cybertecz.in helps you to overcome all the above motioned problems.

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